
Friday, April 29, 2011

Prince William and Catherine Middleton "Royal Wedding"

Oh my.. sumpah ya gue envy abis sama Kate Middleton guess what?! because she's already got her prince where every girls in this world was dreaming to got a handsome prince for their life. Now she got it! just like that?! engga dong yang gue denger-denger sih ya kisah cinta nya pangeran William sama Kate itu berlangsung kurang lebih antara 10-13 tahun wow it's so long relationship! isn't it? Walaupun sering putus nyambung tapi kalo emang jodoh mah gak kemana yega? Dan katanya Prince William itu orang nya romantic banget! How lucky you're Kate because you've married with him and make every girls in this world jealous termasuk gue.

Dan lo tau gak? souvenir yang di kasih dari weddingnya William sama Kate gak tanggung-tanggung loh. Mulai dari gelas yang ada wajah mereka, ada koin yang senilai 5 porseling dan masih banyak lagi!! wow kewl banget yak


Hm... sebenernya si gue di undang ke pernikahan nya William sama Kate bahkan yg ngundang gue pangeran William langsung loh tapi gimana ya maklum deh gue kan orang sibuk jadi gue gak bisa dateng deh kesana so sorry will LOL. gara-gara gue gak dateng pangeran William sampe nelfon gue W:"hey where're you? you don't come?" G:"so sorry Will I can't come to your wedding and seeing you. I'm busy and don't have much time" W:"why? I'm so sad if you don't come!" G:"my apologies" trus gue matiin deh hape nya. coba lo banyangin pangeran William nelfon gue coy. Kate? so sorry but I think you're nothing than me -___-" #korbanUN abaikan! 

" Love story about Kate and William is like fairytale but the different is that this's the real fairytale. Kate looks like a cinderella but she's happier than cinderella "

" Someday I want to be like Kate that I'll get my own William and life happily ever after "

" this open my eyes that love can't be seen just from status and degree of a person "

But actually " congratulation for William and Kate and I hope they relationship will long last " 
Pangeran William jahat banget masa kemaren-kemaren dia janji gak bakal ninggalin gue dan bakal nikahin gue tapi buktinya sekarang! dia malah nikah sama cewek lain! gueh bener2 gak nyangka tau gak?! *baca dengan gaya anak gahol wkwkw ih gue sarap nih -..-
tenang aja si masih ada adek nya noh si Harry. Prince Harry wait for me ya!! Dia gak kalah ganteng kok dari kakak nya William :p

Harry (belakang) William (depan) gantengan mana?

and I think I'm fall in love with him uwooo 

Haha this's really warm my heart LOL

Super warm my heart!!! ˘)ε˘`)

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